Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: Ludovic Mé, Software Engineering, 15h, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Ludovic Mé, Information systems, 4,5 hours, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Ludovic Mé, Supervision of student project, 1 project, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Ludovic Mé, Supervision of student project, 1 project, M2 - mastère cybersecurity degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: until September 2015, Ludovic Mé was responsible for the module “Secured information systems”, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Sébastien Gambs, Protection of Privacy, 16 hours of lectures, M2 - Master Pro SSI, Université de Rennes 1, France.

  • Master: Sébastien Gambs, Topics on Authentication, 16 hours of lectures, M2 - Master Pro SSI, Université de Rennes 1, France.

  • Master: Sébastien Gambs, Introduction to Computer Security, 8 hours of lectures and 4 hours of practical works, M2 - Master Pro SSI, Université de Rennes 1, France.

  • Licence: Gilles Guette, Network Initiation, 27h, L3 - Licence, ISTIC/University of Rennes 1, France

  • Licence: Gilles Guette, Network Initiation, 43h, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Network Routing, 28h, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Mobile Network Routing, 5h, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Advanced Network Services, 13h, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Network Project, 24h, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Security, 26h, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Network and System Security, 12h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Network Modeling, 10h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Network, 6h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Supervision of student project, 1 project, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Supervision of student internship, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France

  • Licence : Guillaume Piolle, Algorithms, 21 hours, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Licence : Guillaume Piolle, Software engineering, 24 hours, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master : Guillaume Piolle, Modelling, Algorithms and Programming, 22 hours, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master : Guillaume Piolle, Computer security and privacy, 9 hours, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master : Guillaume Piolle, Software project, 14 hours, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master : Guillaume Piolle, Security Policies, 4.5 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master : Guillaume Piolle, Java programming, 4.5 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master : Guillaume Piolle, Computer networks, 13.5 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master : Guillaume Piolle, Software engineering, 22 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master : Guillaume Piolle, Symbolic Artificial Intelligence, 4.5 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master : Guillaume Piolle, Network Access Control, 9 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master : Guillaume Piolle, Web development, 12 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master : Guillaume Piolle, Privacy protection, 4.5 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master : Guillaume Piolle, Computing project, 40 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master : Guillaume Piolle, Java EE, 21 hours, Mastère spécialisé, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Licence : Eric Totel, Models and programming languages, 19.5 hours including 10.5 hours of lecture, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Licence : Eric Totel, Foundations of computer science, data structures and algorithms, 6 hours, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : Eric Totel, Computer systems’ architecture, 30 hours, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : Eric Totel, C language, 24 hours including 6 hours of lecture, M2 - master CS (Cyber Security), Supélec, France

  • Master : Eric Totel, C language and C++ language, 12 hours including 6 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : Eric Totel, Dependability , 9 hours including 7.5 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree and master research, Supélec, France

  • Master : Eric Totel, Dependability, 3 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree (ingénierie des systèmes automatisés), Supélec, France

  • Master : Eric Totel, Dependability, 4.5 hours of lecture, M2 - post-graduate training (master Architecture des Réseaux de Communication), Supélec, France

  • Master : Eric Totel, Intrusion Detection, 6 hours of lecture, M2 - M2 - master CS (Cyber Security), Supélec, France

  • Master : Eric Totel, Intrusion Detection, 8 hours of lecture, M2 - master 2 degree, University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master : Eric Totel, Intrusion Detection, 4 hours of lecture, M2 - master 2 degree, University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master : Eric Totel, Supervision of student project , 4 projects, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : Eric Totel, Supervision of student project, 1 project, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Licence: Frédéric Tronel, Software engineering, 49h, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France.

  • Master: Frédéric Tronel, Operating systems, 18h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France .

  • Master: Frédéric Tronel, Compilers,37h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France.

  • Master: Frédéric Tronel, Automatic reasoning, 7h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France.

  • Master: Frédéric Tronel, Assembly Language, 4h30, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France.

  • Master: Frédéric Tronel, Buffer overflow vulnerabilities (theory and practice), 7h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France.

  • Master: Frédéric Tronel, Firewall, 8h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France.

  • Master: Frédéric Tronel, Calculability in distributed systems, 9h, M2, jointly with University of Rennes 1 and CentraleSupélec, France.

  • Licence: Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Algorithms and Data Structures, 36 hours of lecture including 7 hours of lectures, L3 - first year of the engineering degree, CentraleSupélec, France;

  • Master: Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Games Theory, 18 hours, M1 - second year of the engineering degree, CentraleSupélec, France;

  • Master: Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Formal Methods, 9 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, CentraleSupélec, France;

  • Master: Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Intrusion detection using information flow control, 9 hours, M2 / third yearof the engineering degree, CentraleSupélec, France;

  • Master: Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Programming in Java, 12 hours, M1 - international students (NplusI) second year of the engineering degree, CentraleSupélec, France;

  • Master: Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Small elements of decidability, 7h30 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, CentraleSupélec, France;

  • Master : Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Supervision of student project, 1 project, mastere CS (Cyber Security), CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master : Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Supervision of student project , 8 projects, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Emmanuelle Anceaume, computer science (MRI) specialism - BIB - Colq, 36h, M2, Istic, France.

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, Operating systems, 18h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France;

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, Automatic reasoning, 8h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France;

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, Web development, 12 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, CentraleSupélec, France;

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, Python Programming, 6 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, CentraleSupélec, France;

  • Master : Nicolas Prigent, Advanced Java Programming, 1,5 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, CentraleSupélec, France;

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, Penetration Testing, 18 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, CentraleSupélec, France;

  • Master : Nicolas Prigent, IDS and Visualization, 2 hours, M2, ESIR, France.

  • Master : Nicolas Prigent, Virtualization and Cloud Computing, 4 hours, M2, ESIR, France.

  • Master : Nicolas Prigent, MS Windows Configuration and Administration, 16 hours, Mastère CS - Specialization year, CentraleSupélec, France.

  • Master : Nicolas Prigent, MS Windows Configuration and Administration, 16 hours, CQP - Specialization year, CentraleSupélec, France.

  • Master : Nicolas Prigent, Cryptography, Cryptographic Protocols and Applications, 32 hours, CQP - Specialization year, CentraleSupélec, France.

  • Master : Nicolas Prigent, Supervision of student project , 2 projects, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France.

  • Master : Nicolas Prigent, Supervision of student project, 2 project, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France.

  • Master : Nicolas Prigent, Supervision of student project, 1 project, Mastère CS - Specialization year, CentraleSupélec, France.

  • Licence: Guillaume Hiet, Algorithms and Data Structures, 12.5h, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Computer security and privacy for the engineer, 8h, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Buffer overflow vulnerabilities, 16h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Buffer overflow vulnerabilities, 16h, M2 - Mastère Spécialisé CS (Cyber Security), CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Pentest, 19h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Pentest, 3h, M2 - Mastère Spécialisé CS (Cyber Security), CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Introduction to Linux, 3h, M2 - Mastère Spécialisé CS (Cyber Security), CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Java Security, 4.5h, M2 - Mastère Spécialisé CS, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Linux Security, 18h, M2 - Mastère Spécialisé CS , CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Linux Security, 7.5h, third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, LDAP, 7.5h, third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Intrusion Detection, 15h, M2 - Mastère Spécialisé CS, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Intrusion Detection, 13.5h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, M2 research degree of University of Rennes 1, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Security Monitoring, 3h, M2, cycle "Sécurité Numérique", INHESJ, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Computer Security, 31.5h, M2, Mastère Spécialisé Architecte des Systèmes d'Information, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Intrusion Detection, 16h, M2, University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Intrusion Detection, 10h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Intrusion Detection, 9h, M2, Université of Limoges, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Firewall, 6h, M2, University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Supervision of student project, 4 projects, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Supervision of student project, 2 projects, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Supervision of student project, 2 projects, M2 - Mastère Spécialisé CS (Cyber Security), CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master: Christophe Bidan is responsible for the module “Secured information systems”, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France;

  • Master: Christophe Bidan, Applied cryptography, 6 hours of lecture, M2 - master 2 degree, University of Rennes 1, France;

  • Master: Christophe Bidan, Applied cryptography, 15h including 6 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Master: Christophe Bidan, Introduction to security, lab work (4h30), M2 - third year of the engineer degree, CentraleSupélec, France

  • Licence: Christophe Bidan, Algorithms and Data Structures, 36 hours of lecture including 7,5 hours of lectures, L3 - first year of the engineering degree, CentraleSupélec, France;

  • Master : Christophe Bidan, Cryptographic Protocols, 6 hours of lecture, mastère CS (Cyber Security), CentraleSupélec, France


  • PhD : Christopher Humphries, User-centred Security Event Visualisation, Université de Rennes 1, Defense 8/12/2015, supervised by Christophe Bidan, Nicolas Prigent and Frédéric Majorczyk

  • PhD : Paul Lajoie-Mazenc, Réputation et respect de la vie privée dans les rśeaux dynamiques et auto-organisés, Université de Rennes 1, Defense 25/09/2015, supervised by Emmanuelle Anceaume and Valérie Viet Triem Tong

  • PhD : Regina Paiva Melo Marin, Enhancing Privacy Protection in Social Network Systems Through Decentralization and Policy Conflict Management, CentraleSupélec, Defense 7/09/2015, supervised by Christophe Bidan and Guillaume Piolle

  • PhD : Mounir Assaf, From Qualitative to Quantitative Program Analyses: Permissive Enforcement of Secure Information Flow, Université de Rennes 1, Defense 06/05/2015, supervised by Eric Totel and Frédéric Tronel and Julien Signoles

  • HdR: Valérie Viet Triem Tong, "Apport du suivi de flux d'information pour la sécurité des systèmes", Université de Rennes 1, Defense 03/12/15.

  • PhD in progress : Pierre Obame Meye, Sûreté de fonctionnement dans le nuage de stockage, 01/02/2011, supervised by Emmanuelle Anceaume and Frédéric Tronel

  • PhD in progress: Erwan Godefroy, “Corrélation d’alertes dirigée par la connaissance de l’environnement”, started in November 2012, supervised by Eric Totel (50%), Ludovic Mé (30%), and Michel Hurfin (20%);

  • PhD in progress: Mouna Hkimi, “Détection d’intrusion dans les systèmes distribués”, started in October 2013, supervised by Eric Totel (50%) and Michel Hurfin (50%);

  • PhD in progress: Laurent Georget, “Validation Formelle d'un moniteur de flux d'information pour le noyau Linux”, started in October 2014, supervised by Mathieu Jaume (MdC LIP6, 25%), Guillaume Piolle (25 %), Frédéric Tronel (25 %), Valérie Viet Triem Tong (25 %) ;

  • PhD in progress: Mourad Leslous, “Déclenchement automatique de codes jugés suspects dans les applications Android”, started in October 2015, supervised by , Thomas Genet (Celtique Inria project 20 %), Jean François Lalande (40 %), Valérie Viet Triem Tong (40 %) ;

  • PhD in progress: Simon Boche, “Respect de la vie privée dans les réseaux ubiquitaires”, started in October 2012, supervised by Christophe Bidan (30 %), Nicolas Prigent (35 %), Gilles Guette (35 %) ;

  • PhD in progress: Antoine Guellier, “Utilisation de la cryptographie homomorphe pour garantir le respect de la vie privée”, started in October 2013, supervised by Christophe Bidan (50 %), Nicolas Prigent (50 %) ;

  • PhD in progress: Deepak Subramanian, “Multi-level Information Flow Monitoring”, started in January 2013, supervised by Christophe Bidan (20 %), Guillaume Hiet (80 %) ;

  • PhD in progress: Damien Crémilleux, “Visualisation d’évènements de sécurité pour la supervision", started in October 2015, supervised by Christophe Bidan (30 %), Nicolas Prigent (35 %) and Frédéric Majorczyk (35 %) ;

  • PhD in progress: Kun He, “Mise en œuvre de technique de droit à l'oubli pour les contenus numériques", started in October 2013, supervised by Christophe Bidan (50 %) and Gaëtan LeGuelvouit (IRT B-Com 50 %) ;

  • PhD in progress: Julien Lolive, “Entwining identification and privacy mechanisms”, started in December 2012, supervised by Caroline Fontaine (50% - Télécom-Bretagne) and Sébastien Gambs (50%).

  • PhD in progress: Solenn Brunet, “Privacy-preserving location-based services”, started in October 2014, supervised by Sébastien Gambs (50%) and Jacques Traoré (50% - Orange Labs Caen).

  • PhD in progress: Florian Grandhomme, “Étude de protocoles de routage dynamique externe de type BGP dans un environnement réseaux tactiques adhoc mobiles : faisabilité, performances, qualité de service et passage à l’échelle.”, started in October 2014, supervised by Adlen Ksentini (Dionysos Inria project 30%), Gilles Guette (70%) ;

  • PhD in progress: Mounir Nasr Allah, “Contrôle de flux d’information par utilisation conjointe d’analyse statique et d’analyse dynamique accélérée matériellement”, started in November 2015, supervised by Guillaume Hiet ( 75 %) and Ludovic Mé (25 %) ;

  • PhD in progress: Thomas Letan, “Contribution à la sécurité des couches basses des systèmes d'information”, started in January 2015, supervised by Guillaume Hiet ( 50 %), Pierre Chifflier (ANSSI, 25 %), and Ludovic Mé (25 %);

  • PhD in progress: Oualid Koucham, “Détection d’intrusions pour les systèmes de contrôle industriels ”, started in January 2015, supervised by Stéphane Mocanu (Gipsa-lab, 50 %), Guillaume Hiet ( 25 %), and Jean-Marc Thiriet (Gipsa-lab, 25 %).


  • Sébastien Gambs was a member of the PhD committee (reviewer) for the PhD of Thibaud Antignac titled « Méthodes formelles pour le respect de la vie privée par construction », prepared at INSA de Lyon, February 2015.

  • Sébastien Gambs was a member of the PhD committee (reviewer) for the PhD of Marco Stronati titled « Designing Location Privacy Mechanisms for flexibility over time and space », prepared at Ecole Polytechnique, September 2015.

  • Sébastien Gambs was a member of the PhD committee (reviewer) for the PhD of Ali Kassem titled « Automated Verification of Exam, Cash, Reputation, and Routing Protocols », prepared at Université de Grenoble, September 2015.

  • Sébastien Gambs was a member of the PhD committee (reviewer) for the PhD of Iraklis Leontiadis titled « Privacy Preserving Data Collection and Analysis », prepared at Eurecom, October 2015.

  • Ludovic Mé was a member of the PhD committee (reviewer) for the PhD of Ivan Studnia entitled « Détection d'intrusion pour des réseaux embarqués automobiles : une approche orientée langage », prepared at INSA de Toulouse, Septembre 2015.

  • Ludovic Mé was a member of the PhD committee (reviewer) for the PhD of Eric Freyssinet entitled « Lutte contre les botnets : analyse et stratégie », prepared at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, November 2015.

  • Ludovic Mé was a member of the HDR committee (reviewer) for the HDR of Yves Roudier entitled « Advances in the Design and Engineering of Secure Distributed Systems », prepared at Université Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Decembre 2015.

  • Eric Totel was a member of the PhD committee (reviewer) for the PhD of Yosra Ben Mustapha entitled « Corrélation d'alertes: un outil plus efficace d'aide à la décision pour répondre aux intrusions », prepared at Telecom Sud Paris, Avril 2015.

  • Eric Totel was a member of the PhD committee (reviewer) for the PhD of Samuel Marchal entitled « DNS and Semantic Analysis for Phishing Detection », prepared at Université de Lorraine, Juin 2015.

  • Eric Totel was a member of the PhD committee (reviewer) for the PhD of Thibault Probst entitled « Evaluation et analyse des mécanismes de sécurité des réseaux dans les infrastructures virtuelles de cloud computing », prepared at Université fédérale de Toulouse, Septembre 2015.

  • Valérie Viet Triem Tong was a member of the PhD committee for the PhD of Aurélien Thierry entitled « Désassemblage et détection de logiciels malveillants auto-modifiants », prepared at Université de Lorraine, March 2015.